
Helping Reentrants Find Success

As the leading second-chance job platform, we help reentrants find success after returning from prison.

Reentry? Done...Better.

10,000+ Reentrants from 10+ national reentry organizations have found jobs with OutsideConnection.

Work With Exciting Companies Nationwide.

48 Fair-Chance Companies
50 States Nationwide
126 Cities Nationwide

About Us

Our process is simple...because reentry should be easy.

OutsideConnection is a free job site for reentrants to find work
Navigate to our jobs page and search within your Zip Code!

Join Our Career Success Newsletter.

OutsideConnection has partnered with BuildUp Newsletter, a FREE career resource reentrants can use to learn budgeting, investing, and mapping out a successful life plan. We know it's difficult. But this can make it easier.

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National Impact

OutsideConnection has reached reentrants across the country, and we work to reach more everyday!

10,000 Reentrants Provided Jobs
Active in 50 States and 126 Cities
U.S. Department of Justice Use
Funded by the REFORM Alliance
Job Access To 10,000+ Reentrants

We've partnered with the United States Department of Justice & more!

3 Hiring Hands-On Workshops

We've hosted and presented at reentranty confernces!

ASk Us Anything

Contact Us

Need Help? Have a Suggestion? Want to partner? Our email is always open.

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Early Beginnings

How It All Started

For more than 20 years my family bakery has been hiring reentrants. We sought to give back to the community by providing great job opportunities for these individuals to be successful. As I got older and started to run the business, I was introduced to our hiring process and the difference we make in the community. From working side by side with reentrants, I've come to understand the challenges they face. By supporting reentrants, we seek to help them become successful by providing them with jobs and a environment of kindness.

Sebastian Tan | Founder